Translation service|China E-commerce
Published on
April 14, 2020

A comprehensive guide to document translation services

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With an almost endless supply of information and other resources now at their fingertips, entrepreneurs, small businesses and corporations are going global with their business ventures. The Internet has made international business more accessible to all, creating opportunities for both new ventures and the expansion of existing operations.

However, despite the many opportunities, operating a business in unfamiliar territory does have its challenges, such as communicating with clients, suppliers, vendors, lawyers, and other partners. Cultural differences, language barriers, and differing legal systems can seem daunting. Fortunately, businesses are not alone; document translation services can help them navigate the global business landscape.

What are document translation services?

Whether you operate an eCommerce store, an import/export business, a service business, or any other company that deals internationally, you might come across documents -- legal or otherwise -- in a language that you are unfamiliar with. This can cause misunderstandings and potential setbacks if you can’t accurately navigate the foreign language.

Document translation services are available through experienced professionals who are fluent in multiple languages, allowing them to translate important documents for your business. Unlike most online translation services, professional translators know the ins and outs of business language, local dialects, legal frameworks, and more.

What can document translation services help with?

Document translation services can be used in a number of situations, including but not limited to the following:

Legal translations

In order to do business overseas, you’ll be required to obtain and fill out license applications and a variety of other documents and forms. In countries like China, where the language is very different from English, it's nearly impossible to navigate these prerequisites without the help of a translator. He or she can provide certified and notarized translations which are often required for government, financial, personal, and educational documents.

  • Certified translations include a signed statement that confirms that the translated document is an accurate representation of the original.
  • Notarized translations are taken by the translator to a government representative or notary to sign, and thereby authenticate, the document.

Website translations

Whether you are launching a website or aiming to develop a better understanding of an international market, every detail matters. Professional translators can ensure your website is accessible and accurate in different languages, allowing you to maintain a consistent brand image. They can also help you translate foreign websites so that you can develop stronger relationships with your partners or analyze your competition.

Technical translations

Technical documents can be difficult to navigate even in your first language and nearly impossible to understand if they are in a foreign language. Whether you’re in manufacturing, distribution, or any other sector that involves technical documents, a translator can help you interpret complex topics and documents to prevent any errors or misunderstandings.

Which industries use document translation services?

Document translation services are essential for businesses that operate internationally. Here are a few of the many industries that can benefit from these services:

  • Finance & Banking
  • Science & Medicine
  • Information Technology
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Law
  • Marketing
  • Manufacturing
  • Distribution

Benefits of translation services

Accurate translations. Unlike simple online translation services, experienced translators can provide content for words that have multiple meanings, understand and reflect your tone and ensure your grammar is correct.

Confidentiality. In a time when data is being collected upon visiting almost every website, you never know if your information is safe. With a professional translator, your work is confidential and you won’t need to worry about it being shared or sold.

Cultural sensitivity. If you’ve never done business overseas, you might not be aware of traditions, cultural sensitivities, or differences in business conduct that can vary from country to country. With the help of a translation service, you’ll be able to communicate effectively and respectfully, allowing your relationships to thrive.

Localization. Professional translators are aware of different dialects, as well as local customs and business practices, so they can help with integration. This approach can help you communicate more effectively and develop stronger relationships and network connections.

Compliance. There are many situations in which professional document translations, certifications, or notarizations are mandatory. Business licenses, permits, visas, and other important documents are a few of the many examples of when online services won’t be enough.

Increased credibility. Translators can help you avoid grammatical errors and simple mistakes while demonstrating strong business acumen, which could increase your credibility among existing and potential partners.


Depending on whom you hire, many document translation services have experience in a number of industries. By working with a professional, you’ll get service that’s tailored to your needs and advice that’s based on past experience and industry knowledge, two perks you won’t get if you attempt the translation on your own.

Bottom line

Document translation services are essential for any company doing business internationally. Regardless of the industry or the size of the business, these services can help increase efficiency, increase market share, build stronger relationships, and avoid any unnecessary hiccups along the way.

Do you need a professional legal translator to translate your English documents into Chinese or vice versa? Search the Trustiics lawyer directory to find a vetted legal translator and get a free quote.